Expedited Authorization and Updates Application

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ATS (ASAM level 3.7) Providers, please use Provider Connect for all new and ongoing requests. If you have questions about this please call MBHP Community Relations at 1-800-495-0086 or go to https://providers.masspartnership.com.

Initial Expedited Auth, Initial Boarding Information, Next Day Evaluation and Next Day Update password issues, contact Heather Metropolis at 833-476-1522 ext 2083063 Heather.Metropolis@carelon.com, Lorrie Gentes at 833-476-1522 ext 2082701 lorrie.gentes@carelon.com.
To unlock your account, call the accessline at 1-800-495-0086.

Expedited Concurrent Review password issues, email Deirdre Minichiello at Deirdre.Minichiello@carelon.com.

Note: Login Name and Password will expire if not used within a 180 day period.